
For ArtLink Participant Teachers Globally

Elgon Youth Development
Centre here in Mbale, Uganda. Elgon Youth Development Centre, is a
Youth Community based organization located in Mbale District, Eastern
Uganda, the project started in 2009 as a result of the appalling
poverty situation in the community among disadvantaged youths that had
led to a rise in crime rates, street children, early pregnancies and
early marriages leave alone dropping out of school by many children.
Lack of employment, death or separation of parents, lack of school
fees and other scholastic materials, drug and forms of child abuse
have been responsible for the increased number of unemployed and
street children.

EYDC, located in the slum of Namakwekwe, Mbale District, Eastern
Uganda was established which has plans for setting up systems that can
promote easy access by vulnerable and disadvantaged children to skills
like in; Computer training, Music, Dance, Drama, Tailoring, Hair
dressing, Catering as they are easy to learn as well as easy to use in
earning a living and thus in the long run changing their welfare. The
organisation has tried to avail the children with music, dance and
drama skills building opportunities but the resources available are
not enough for putting in place the desirable equipments moreover when
they are got they can pay highly. Elgon Youth Development Centre
strives to set up standard facilities that can enhance quality
learning so as to make the children more competitive on the market.
This has called for drives such as organising music performances,
soliciting funds from donor and local community.

We have a group of talented young performers who would love to show
the world what they got, this African modern cultural dance troupe
brings a touch of all the regions of Uganda by exhibiting more than
two dances from all regions of the country colorfully decorated and
magnificent custom designed to amplify the dance movements. The
success in forming the troupe was backed by the excellent ability to
organize and set up a well organized group of talented, disciplined
and energetic youths and adults. Since its formation, the troupe has
only been able to exist due to its strongly rooted foundation on a God
fearing group of people.

The Troupe embraces a humanitarian and development objective towards
improving the lives of the poor but highly talented, disciplined, and
energetic youths, orphans and children from poor and helpless
families. We are paid to entertain people at different functions and
we would love to request your company to find us any opportunity
available to get the group to your country to perform anywhere.

  • Currently 0/5 stars.

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